More tomato seeds have finally germinated and seedlings now need to be transferred:
this batch has been haphazard and touch-and-go since i sowed them - new seedling popping up a few days apart.
I already started moving a few to cups two days ago.
The August 15 batch after four weeks:
The majestic twelve less two that I've already re-potted.
Really strange how a few will always do better than the rest.
A few slowpokes caught up but a newly transferred one died during the typhoon – just when it was looking so lush and healthy.
First Squash Sprouted:
after reading more, i'm worried though:
"When planting squash plants, try to avoid disturbing the roots as you transplant the seedlings. Cucurbits take longer to get established when transplanting disturbs their roots too much."
I sowed many in trays and when i transferred the seedling into a mini-pot, i noticed there remained a long part of the initial root stuck to the bottom of the tray. i'm going to have to sow more in individual mini pots.
Propagating Cuttings:
Seen here are misc that have taken root and will hopefully continue to thrive.
Propagtaion Lesson reinforced: start more cuttings than you think you should when pruning your flowering plants - not all will survive. In this case, around 40 percent took root after two to three weeks. I kept most of these shady sections of my garden to keep them from baking under intense tropical sun but the rains have claimed many of this batch. Professional growers keep their cuttings under cold frames or cloches for extra protection from the elements, falling leaves and twigs that could smother them.
On a related note: Fewer Hibiscus Blooms this week - so much for the optimism i had last week.
not surprising since i lopped off so many tips when dealing with the ant infestation last week. Same case with the Allamanda yet in comparison, it had a few more blooms - didn't feel the need to snap and post photos though.
New Buds from this once lush bush that i don't know the name of - the flowers are small and yellow:
I would appreciate if anyone can identify it for me - thanks in advance.
So there - it's been a humdrum week despite the same number of hours i put into my garden. And i constantly reminded who maintaining this blog can be so tedious. I'll try harder next week and will hopefully be more enthusiastic. Sleep has been poor - what else is new? Best wishes for all your gardens.
Really strange how a few will always do better than the rest.
A few slowpokes caught up but a newly transferred one died during the typhoon – just when it was looking so lush and healthy.
First Squash Sprouted:
after reading more, i'm worried though:
"When planting squash plants, try to avoid disturbing the roots as you transplant the seedlings. Cucurbits take longer to get established when transplanting disturbs their roots too much."
I sowed many in trays and when i transferred the seedling into a mini-pot, i noticed there remained a long part of the initial root stuck to the bottom of the tray. i'm going to have to sow more in individual mini pots.
Propagating Cuttings:
Seen here are misc that have taken root and will hopefully continue to thrive.
Propagtaion Lesson reinforced: start more cuttings than you think you should when pruning your flowering plants - not all will survive. In this case, around 40 percent took root after two to three weeks. I kept most of these shady sections of my garden to keep them from baking under intense tropical sun but the rains have claimed many of this batch. Professional growers keep their cuttings under cold frames or cloches for extra protection from the elements, falling leaves and twigs that could smother them.
On a related note: Fewer Hibiscus Blooms this week - so much for the optimism i had last week.
not surprising since i lopped off so many tips when dealing with the ant infestation last week. Same case with the Allamanda yet in comparison, it had a few more blooms - didn't feel the need to snap and post photos though.
New Buds from this once lush bush that i don't know the name of - the flowers are small and yellow:
I would appreciate if anyone can identify it for me - thanks in advance.
So there - it's been a humdrum week despite the same number of hours i put into my garden. And i constantly reminded who maintaining this blog can be so tedious. I'll try harder next week and will hopefully be more enthusiastic. Sleep has been poor - what else is new? Best wishes for all your gardens.
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